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Re: How do I pass init= to the kernel?

Alvin Oga wrote:

> loadlin assumes that you have a properly configured linux
> installed at root ( /dev/hda2 in your case )
> if you have not installed linux yet ( into /dev/hda2 ) or any
> other root partition... loadlin will not be able tofind
> your kernel and root filesystem

This is wrong, the kernel can be anything, usually a file on the DOS
partition, that's why loadlin is sometimes so usefull.  Once the kernel
is booting -- and the messages clearly show that it is booting just fine
-- the root partition can also be anywhere, in fact since the kernel
says "VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem)" there is nothing that
indicates that this is failing.

Margarete, two things:

init= ... does not specify the init runlevel but the program which the
kernel is to execute first.  This is usually the init process at it is
handles proper booting.  However, for administration you usually use
init=/bin/sh (normal shell) or init=/bin/sulogin (needs root passwd
first, and if Ctrl-D is pressed, the normal init program is exec'd).

Second, I guess, that your root fs (root.bin) is simply hosed, or does
not get booted properly.  First of all, it can't find a couple of files
(/sbin/modprobe, /bin/sh, /sbin/init), although there is no error
message indicating that root is corrupt.  Try downloading another
root.bin.  Also, you could try booting a passing root.bin (any file,
that is not a compressed ext2 image, ie the kernel it self), to see
whether the kernel is actually mounting what you want and not something

Also, I've never seen "root=/dev/ram" before, are you sure that this is

Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/

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