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Re: rc.d

wayne wrote:
> i am a debian beginer,i want to add some program into systemstart,just like ipchains policy,adsl auto start.in redhat the file is /rc.d/rc.local,

I'm not sure what rc.local is used for in Red Hat but in debian in the
/etc directory there are a group of directories rcx.d/ where x is a
number between 0 and 6 or alternatively S.  These directories contain
scripts to be run when you enter the runlevel that corresponds to the
number x.  So when you enter runlevel 2 you run the scripts in
/etc/rc2.d/ .  If you look in these files you'll notice that all of the
names of the scripts start with S or K.  The script names that begin
with S start services and the script names that begin with K kill
services.  You'll also notice that these scripts are really just
symlinks to scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory.  

Anyway, what you'll want to do is add a script to the rc directory that
corresponds to the runlevel that you want the service to start in.  For
example to start the inetd daemon in runlevel 2 add the script S20inetd
to /etc/rc2.d/ where S20inetd is a symlink to /etc/init.d/inetd.

dixon@rowling:/etc/rc2.d$ ls -ld S20inetd 
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           15 Mar 23 04:56 S20inetd ->

Check the archives for a more complete discussion of this topic.  I
believe a thread was started this weekend that talked about adding and
removing services.


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