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getting thumb button on logitech mouseman wheel working in X

i got myself one of those nice cordless Logitech MouseMan Wheel mouse. got the wheel working fine.. trouble is, X can't see the thumb button because left click, wheel click, wheel up, wheel down, and right click already take up the five buttons that X supports. since X only supports 5 buttons, what i would like to do is rebind button 2, which is currently wheel click, to the thumb button. thus, left click = button 1, thumb click = button 2, right click = button 3, wheel up = button 4, wheel down = button 5. i read the [0]howto, and it recommends running

	xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 4 5"

but when i do this, i get

	xmodmap:  commandline:0:  bad number of buttons, must have 5 instead of 6
	xmodmap:  1 error encountered, aborting.

and i am averse to trying 720 different permutations to see if one of them might work.

anyone gotten this thing to work?  (and if so, how)

please cc: me,

[0] http://www-sop.inria.fr/koala/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll/
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