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Re: Exim and several mail domains

On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 07:56:22AM +0200, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:
> I have a machine running exim that has to serve several mail domains. I
> understand I should set them up as local domains, but then (correct me
> if I'm wrong) if I have domainA and domainB all local users would have
> email addresses for both domains.
> The thing is I don't really understand what I should do to tell exim
> whih users belong to which domain.
> Is it just a cuestion of playing with mail_aliases or is there anything
> else to be set up in exim.conf
> (And yes, I've read the docs about exim's virtual hosting but I don't
> quite get it)

whoops. hit the wrong key and ZOOM off it goes, prematurely.
heh. :)

i have an alias file for each domain i host, so i can keep users
conceptually separated per domain.

here's how i do it on my potato debian system -- your mileage may vary:


		driver = aliasfile
		domains = "partial-lsearch;/etc/exim/DOMAINS"
		file_transport = address_file
		pipe_transport = address_pipe
		file = /etc/exim/${domain_data}
		search_type = "lsearch*"

	  driver = aliasfile
	  file_transport = address_file
	  pipe_transport = address_pipe
	  file = /etc/aliases
	  search_type = lsearch

note -- putting system_aliases FIRST would make /etc/aliases override
the domain-specific aliases in /etc/exim/<domain> files...


	# *.domain.name			/etc/exim/<aliasfile>

	*.serensoft.com:		serensoft

	*.dontuthink.com:		dontuthink

	*.bestop.agfin.com:		bestop

	*.bucks2browse.com:		bucks2browse
	*.buckstobrowse.com:	bucks2browse

	*.on-the-fridge.com:	fridge

	*.24x7sports4u.com:		24x7_4u
	*.24x7baseball4u.com:	24x7_4u
	*.24x7basketball4u.com:	24x7_4u
	*.24x7fitness4u.com:	24x7_4u
	*.24x7football4u.com:	24x7_4u
	*.24x7golf4u.com:		24x7_4u
	*.24x7hockey4u.com:		24x7_4u
	*.24x7olympics4u.com:	24x7_4u
	*.24x7soccer4u.com:		24x7_4u
	*.24x7softball4u.com:	24x7_4u
	*.24x7tennis4u.com:		24x7_4u

the DOMAINS file is checked against recipient addresses such as 
< xyz@*.domain.here > for a match in the first column, and the
second column is the name of the file for that domain containing
aliases for that domain.


	laurie:			rdt
	rdt:			rdt
	richard:		rdt
	b2b:			rdt
	info:			rdt

	tharprn:		tharprn

	bestop:			will
	puz:			will
	easyDXFtype:	will
	3d:				will
	frontier:		will
	webmaster:		will

	kat*:			kat

	trillich:		trillich

so anything going to "katrill@linux.serensoft.com" will wind up
in the mailbox of user "kat". and user "will" (moi) gets any
email intended for webmaster@*serensoft.com,
bestop@*serensoft.com, puz@*serensoft.com and so forth.

DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #19 from Dave Sherohman <esper@sherohman.org> 
How do you determine WHICH NETWORK SERVICES ARE OPEN (active)?
Try "netstat -a | grep LISTEN". To see numeric values (instead
of the common names for services using a particular port) then
try "netstat -na" instead. For more info, look at "man netstat".
   Also try "lsof -i" as root. "man lsof" for details.
=Will Trillich <will@serensoft.com>

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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