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Re: Mindterm and different font.

Preben Randhol wrote:
> Is there a way to change the font when after logging into a Linux box
> with mindterm (Java SSH). I would like to be able to change to a
> iso-8859-7 font, but setfont doesn't work.

According to the README:

4.3.2 Terminal... (Ctrl+Shift+T)
In this dialog you can set the basic terminal parameters, such as terminal type,
size, font and colors. The initial window position can optionally also be
set. It is given as a string with the syntax <+/-><x-position><+/-><y-position>
a negative sign means it's relative to the right or bottom. A value of zero
means aligned to the border (i.e. left, right, top, bottom) e.g. +0-0 means
aligned to bottom right corner.

Also, the parameters section lists:

fn       : name of font to use in terminal
fs       : size of font to use in terminal

You can encode that in the html of the page that contains mindterm, something

<applet archive="mindterm.jar" code=mindbright.application.MindTerm.class width=
580 height=400>
<param name=fn value="blah">

see shy jo, debian mindtem maintainer

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