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Re: gkrellm mail plugin / fetchmail / exim basics

vester <a9900876@unet.univie.ac.at> writes:

> hi!
> could anybody explain the basics of debian's local mail delivery to me?
> or, to be more precise:
> i want to be able to use the gkrellm mail plugin. in order to do that i
> added several pop servers to fetchmail using fetchmailconf but when i run
> fetchmail, nothing happens...i do not really know how the local mail
> delivery works: i'm on a single pc with a cable modem (so no LAN) and i
> have got exim installed (i think exim handles mail)

Fetchmail - fetches mail, hands it over to Exim which lurks and listens
on port 25. Unless there is more to your system than you have
mentioned,(ie you break up the post into seperate groups with procmail)
exim will place your mail into /var/spool/mail/user (your username) -
that is the default location.  Then your mailreader (Mutt, Kmail, Pronto,
or the great and glorious Gnus!!!) can be used to read it. 

You compose your mail with your mailreader and then in whatever way is
right hit the "send" button/command.  Exim takes care of it from there -
terrfiic program!

But, you say that "nothing happens" - does that mean you are not getting
any mail in /var/spool/mail/vester (eg) ?  Or simply that gkrellm is not
detecting it? If the latter, just point gkrellm at
/var/spool/mail/vester.  If the former, ah well.......

1. Put the next line in your fetchmailrc (by hand!)
set  syslog

try again to get your mail

and post  the last twenty lines of /var/log/maillog

2. It might help to see your fetchmailrc (passwords removed)

Good luck!

                            so here we are then....
                      ==== Running Debian/Gnu Linux  ====
           1:27pm  up  6:13,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.04, 0.04

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