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Re: [users] Unkillable process

On Wed, 23 May 2001, MaD dUCK wrote:

> also sprach Andrei Ivanov (on Tue, 22 May 2001 10:31:26PM -0500):
> > scorpio   7314  0.0  3.8 28888 4876 tty1     D    May10   0:00
> > /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla-bin
> this is a straight-forward failure of the linux kernel. it's a dead

I believe this was corrected in kernel 2.4.4 as I got such process when
running 2.4.3 on a SMP machine.

BTW, only a reboot will kill such processes, as said bellow by MaD dUCK.

> process, it doesn't listen to anything anymore. there is no way you
> can remove it without a reboot. the process is in "uniterruptible
> sleep" state (implying it's doing some kind of i/o), but it's
> definitely not interested in handling signals (even SIGKILL, which
> you're the kernel isn't supposed to let you ignore). had plenty of
> them, never succeeded without a reboot. but what do you care? just
> leave them? they aren't eating anything away.
> martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
>   \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
> --
> prepBut nI vrbLike adjHungarian! qWhat's artThe adjBig nProblem?
>                                                -- alec flett @netscape
> --
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