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Re: Debian Distro on Floppies?

On Thu, May 17, 2001, Ken Clarke wrote:
> Hi,
>    I'm trying to find a Linux Distro that can still be obtained for floppy installation.  Yes I know about just hooking up a CD-ROM drive, a modem, or a null-modem connection to this ancient machine I'm working with.  I've been getting razzed by my LUG for wanting to do this the old fashioned way, but I guess I'm stubborn like that.  Anyway, one of the guys from my LUG is a big Debian fan, and said he thought that there might still be a Debian Distro spanned across floppies instead of a CD, but I can't seem to find either it, or mention of it on the site.  Could you confirm whether or not Debian still has such a Distro, and if so, point me in the right direction?
> Thank you for your time,
> Ken


Hi.  Are you looking just for boot-floppies (in other words to install
the base system from floppies) or do you actually want to be able to
install all ~4000 packages from floppies?  Considering now that the
binary i386 distribution spans three CD-ROMS, that looks like
somewhere in the neighborhood of 1500 floppy disks to be able to
install all packages.  Since this seems a little excessive, I'm
assuming you want the base system, and then install the rest via
ethernet.  This is definitely possible and I've done so a few times.
Look at debian.org for exact installation instructions and means of
creating these base install disks.

Hope this helps and take care,


PS Kindly wrap lines at 72 chars, please.

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

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