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Re: IPMasqing NFS

On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 05:19:36PM -0500, Bud Rogers wrote:
> On Monday 14 May 2001 17:07, Chris Majewski wrote:
> > I'm  going through  a gateway/firewall  which does  port  forwarding /
> > ipmasq / NAT / ...  Isn't "VPN" just microsoft terminology for exactly
> > that, or is it something else?
> I think VPN implies end to end encryption as well.  And I think M$ calls it 
> something else.
VPN, Virtual Priavate Networks.  They by themselfs are not end-to-end.

VPN, is not a Microsoft term, but MS is a large advertiser of the term.

Basically, the idea is to connect seperate networks on different subnets
together with an intermediate network (ie, the internet).

VPNs are usually encrypted, as you don't want your network-network traffic

There are several ways to implement VPNs: ppp over ssh, IPsec, PPTP, etc.

I've chosen IPsec.

It is open, and Microsoft hasn't gotten their paws on it yet (though it is
in win2000).

Currently I have a vpn from work to home, and plan to connect a friend's
network to mine.  This is all good because I admin all of these networks

IPsec for Linux:


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