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Provides field broken in unstable

I just ran into what seems to be broken implementation of the Provides:
field in apt/dpkg (from unstable).

I have selfmade CVS KDE packages installed, all with a version tag
2.2-cvs20010512-1, let's call it vcvs for short. Among those are:

libkmid vcvs, which depends on libarts (>= vcvs);
libarts-alsa vcvs, which provides libarts.

The problem is that, as you know, apt-get won't do anything if any
broken dependencies are around. Now, apt-get believes that:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libkmid-alsa: Depends: libarts (>= 4:2.2-cvs20010512-1)

It doesn't give any of the "but it's not going to be installed" or
"wrong version installed" messages, just this, which looks like
handling of Provides: is broken. Now, is that really the case or have
I run into a bug somehow related to version management? Has anyone else
noticed such behavior?


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