Re: Postfix or Exim?
also sprach mdevin (on Sun, 06 May 2001 10:40:21AM +1000):
> So my question is, should I bother with postfix? Is it easier to
> customise, edit headers etc? Is it more robust? What are some of the
> advantages that made some of you change to postfix?
why don't you use lsof or netstat -a to find out which process is
binding the smtp port. i bet you there is still an exim process around
even though you deleted the package. also, check /etc/inetd.conf again
and *restart* inetd!
send me the output of
netstat -a | grep LISTEN
lsof | grep smtp
and i'll have a look.
i use postfix and i've tried all the others
(sendmail,qmail,zmailer,exim) and postfix beats them all!
martin; (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
\____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:" net@madduck
"driving with a destination
is like having sex to have children"
-- backwater wayne miller
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