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[joris@linux.be: X4 + 2.4 causes system freezes?]

----- Forwarded message from Joris <joris@linux.be> -----

From: Joris <joris@linux.be>
To: branden@debian.org
Subject: X4 + 2.4 causes system freezes?
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 08:10:13 +0200
Message-ID: <20010503081013.A1074@linux.be>


I know you're probately not the right person to email this to, but I have no
idea where else I can "report" this, or get it solved...

Since I switched to linux 2.4.x and Xfree 4.0.x, I experience complete
system lockups (no network or serial responses either). There seems to be no
specific cause for it, it meight happen 3 minutes after startx, or 3 days.
The only way to get out of it, is a hard reset, wich obviously isn't really
"gentle". I'm currently in a second process of stress testing the hardware,
but after already 36hours of cpuburn and burnMMX there is not a single sign
of instability.
I do have the weird subjective impression the freezes are happening more
 frequently lately (system usage hasn't really changed, fyi)...

I'm currently running debian unstable on linux 2.4.4 with no ac patches, and
the latest xfree avaiable in debian unstable, altough I experienced it also
with the previous versions of both kernel and Xfree.
Hardware includes a p5 200mmx, 192Mb ram and a pci voodoo banshee vga card. 

I know at least one system (owned by a friend) also experiencing this

I'm kinda desperate in finding a solution, because this really reduces the
usability of my system to "almost zero" :(

Much respect and greetings,
  joris@linux.be  UIN: 25569167
  PGP is currently out-of-use

----- End forwarded message -----

G. Branden Robinson             |    A committee is a life form with six or
Debian GNU/Linux                |    more legs and no brain.
branden@debian.org              |    -- Robert Heinlein
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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