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Re: Diskless maintanence

>>>>> "Shane" == Shane Liebling <shane@cryptio.net> writes:

    Shane> Hey all, I have been playing around with the diskless
    Shane> package for a few weeks now and am a bit confused with how
    Shane> to go about installing new packages.  Since the /usr dir of
    Shane> the server is supposed to be used on the client and the
    Shane> config files for the diskless clients are in the diskless
    Shane> directories, how do you install new packages?  Do you have
    Shane> to do two installs?  chrootr into the diskless dir, apt-get
    Shane> there, and then exit and apt-get install on the server?

You have two options:

a) boot up the master NFS-Root system, and run apt-get there.
b) run apt-get from a chroot environment.

then use diskless-newhost to update the other directories for each host.

As for the /usr stuff. As I mentioned in private E-Mail, you shouldn't
normally have to export /usr from the server (you use the .../root/usr
directory instead). There might be a bug somewhere, eg. documentation,
that mislead you.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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