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Setting up debian

Under debian potato 2.2r2 I've installed the Gimp and sane together with
xscanimage and the sane plugins for gimp.
Now I'm trying to set my epson 1240U usb scanner. I've followed the
instruction given in linux-usb.org. step by step
1) I've issued mknod /usb/dev/scanner0 c 180 48
2) insmod usbcore, uhci (I've also a usb-uhci??? what's for?), scanner
giving as options the product and vendor I can see listing /proc/bus/usb
3) starting sane it complains "no device etc." and stops loading.
I've tried to modify scanner0 into simply scanner, then the same moving both
files under /dev (I saw that usbmouse is under /dev not /dev/usb).
No success.
Could someone please help me set my usb scanner under potato? 

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