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Secure FTP daemon

  Hi there.

  Until recently, I was running wu-ftpd as my FTP daemon. But I don't
want to use it anymore for security reasons (it has a lot of security
holes, which are easily exploitable). So I'm looking for some other
secure FTP daemon. I tried bsd-ftpd, and proftpd, both were fine but
lack a feature I somewhat need - being able to transmit entire directory
structures as compressed archives.
  That is, with wu-ftpd I could connect to the FTP server, and say there
is some directory foo/bar with files and subdirectories in it,
downloading foo/bar.tar.gz would send a gzipped tarball of the directory

  Does anyone have any idea of a secure FTP daemon (preferably running
as a nonprivileged user) which supports this?

  Any suggestions appreciated,
  -- Tom Alsberg

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