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Re: Power off Button

Dumb wrote:
> I don't really have an answer, but sometimes on my machine I have to hold the
> button for like 5 seconds before it shuts off, and at other times it just shuts
> off with no problem.

I don't have an answer either, but I have had interesting experiences
wrt auto power off.

Windows 95 always powered off the computer automatically.

I used to have a redhat 5.2 installation with kernel 2.2. When shutting
down, the final power off message would appear, but the PC would not
turn off by itself. I had to press the power button, but the poweroff
would not be simlutaneous with the button press, the poweroff would
happen 1/2 a second later.

I gave Mandrake 6.0 a try once. It used a 2.2 kernel (.12 I think) and
poweroff happened automatically. I was impressed (but I didn't continue
using Mandrake because of it).

When I first installed Debian potato, I was using the default kernel
(2.2.15 I think, potato was 'frozen' at the time). I had the same
symptoms as you have - the poweroff message would appear, but the PC
wouldn't turn off automatically, and pressing the power button didn't
shut it off either. I had to reboot and turn off when the system
password prompt appeared (my PC is passworded via the bios). After
upgrading the kernel to 2.4.0test7 (I think was the latest 2.4 of the
time), I managed to get auto poweroff working. I'm now using 2.4.1 and
auto poweroff works fine. I never tried compiling my own 2.2 kernel (I
wanted 2.4s USB stuff, so there was no point at the time), but I may
have been able to solve the problem that way as well.

So you could try:
- compiling your own 2.2 kernel
- upgrading to a 2.4 kernel

as usual, YMMV

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