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Re: Anyone using cdrdao with success ?

Sergio Da Silva <sergiodasilva@internet.lu> wrote:

> I was wondering if there is anybody out there who does disk-at-once
> recording using "cdrdao" or any other recording software. My main
> purpose is the recording of audio CDs, and so far I have succeeded only
> a few times in recording CDs without a glitch.
> Could you please specify the options you provide "cdrdao" with?

Put the following with possible modifications into your .bashrc
or equivalent:

alias audio='cdrdao copy -v1 --paranoia-mode 3 --device 0,1,0 --driver generic \
-mmc-raw:0x0 --source-device 0,0,0 --source-driver generic-mmc-raw:0x0 --buffers 10' 

Now you can just type "audio" at the command prompt to copy an
audio cd. 

'device' and 'source-device' refer to your burner and regular
cdrom drive respectively and their bus/target/luns are found by
running 'cdrecord -scanbus' as root. You may also need to
change the driver setting or possibly leave out any reference
to it and let cdrdao probe for one itself.

If you wanted anything other than copying please be a little
more specific, then others might help.

I noticed somewhere that going into single user mode when
burning might be a good thing to do.



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