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Re: deleting specific files (a litle note about "de nada" )

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Miguel S. Filipe wrote:

> >>>>> I need to delete a bunch of files, all of them of the form 
> >>>>> *.doc, scattered into several subdirectories inside a given
> >>>>> directory. What should I do?
> >>>> 
> >> <snip> 
> >> 
> >>> Several options:
> >>>   - Create a script.  This *is* my preferred method.
> >>> 
> >>>      $ find . -type f -name \*.doc | sed -e '/.*/s//rm &/' > rmscript
> >>>      # Edit the script to make sure it's got The Right Stuff
> >>>      $ vi rmscript
> >>>      # run it
> >>>      $ chmod +x rmscript; ./rmscript

I missed the original question, but I'd like to point out that this is a
great deal of unnecessary fuss.

You can do this all with one invocation of find, skipping the script, the
sed, and all that entirely.  Here we go:

find . -name '*doc' -exec rm {} \; -print

will remove all files ending in 'doc' from the current directory and
subdirectories.  The arguments following -exec are executed once for every
file matching the criteria, and {} is replaced with the filename.  The
\; is required at the end of the -exec clause to indicate that you are
done with it.  -print tells find to show what files were removed.

If you need to preserve a particular file:

find . -name '*doc' -not -name 'thesis.doc' -not -name 'budget.doc' -exec
rm {} \;

This will cause find to remove every file except thesis.doc and

You can use any shell command with find - it doesn't have to be rm:

find . -name '*doc' -exec chmod 666 {} \; -print

will make every file ending with 'doc' world-writable and tell you what it

You can even use multiple instances of exec:

find . -name '*doc' -not -name 'thesis.doc' -exec chmod 666 {} \; -exec
touch {} \; -print

which would make every file ending in 'doc' world-writable and update its
timestamp, except thesis.doc.  (No, I have no idea why you would want to
do this :} )

Anyway, I think find is about the most powerful command in all of
Unix.  Find is your friend :}

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