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Log rotation in Debian /var/log

So, how does this work?

I mean, I know about logrotate and I ass-u-me that the logs in /var/log
are rotated using logrotate... no?

When I look in /etc/cron.daily/logrotate I see an invocation of
logrotate with the config file /etc/logratate.conf.  All well and good.

But, there is no entry in /etc/logrotate.conf that pertains to the
general contents of /var/log!  It does /var/log/wtmp and /var/log/btmp
and that's it.

How are the rest of the log files getting rotated?  Is this built into
logrotate somehow so it doesn't need to be configured?  Or what?

Also, in the logrotate.conf file it has a comment that it includes the
/etc/logrotate.d directory because "RPM packages drop log rotation
information into this directory".  The only file there on my system is
for junkbuster (which is a Debian package, not an RPM).  If this is for
RPM logrotate configs, is there somewhere else for Debian ones?

Hmm, looking at the policy manual I see /etc/logrotate.d explicitly
mentioned as the right place to put logrotate configs.  Maybe this
comment in logrotate.conf needs to be removed/reworded.


 Paul D. Smith <psmith@baynetworks.com>    HASMAT--HA Software Methods & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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