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Re: quick howto-command questions?

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 04:19:07AM -0000, john smith wrote:
> hi,
> Let's say I have 3 files namely; one.c, two.c and a hidden .c file (.hid.c). 
> now I want to list them... the command
> ls -al *.c shows only the two files and it doesn't show the third one... any 
> ideas?

the command shell (bash, tcsh ...) expands GLOBs such as
* or *.c or *this* to include anything in the directory
that does not start with DOT.

to get the 'hidden' dotfiles you gotta specify the leading dot
yourself, as in .??* or .bash* or .log* or .*rc ...

so, to see all *.c files that don't start with DOT:

	ls *.c
	echo *.c

to see all hidden .*.c files,

	ls .*.c
	echo .*.c

to seem them all-at-once,

	ls *.c .*.c       <- sorted lexically
	echo *.c .*.c     <- each glob expansion is sorted

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