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Re: Partition size for / when using a Logical Volume Group for /usr.

On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 04:21:12PM -0700, Simmons-Davis wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know what some of your opinions are as to what size I should
> make the / partition when I have /usr as a separate Logical Volume Group
> partition.

if you have time to tinker, and are just getting started, make
just / and /home. then go install-happy. install this, uninstall
that, reinstall something else, install gadjets, add gizmos...

then -- a few months later -- when you've got your system doing
what you like, try

	du -h /boot /usr /var /usr/local /home {to name a few}

to see what your actual usage looks like.

the reason for starting with a /home partition is so you can more
easily keep your customizations. perhaps you can also back-up
/etc under your home directory as well. and don't forget

	dpkg --get-selections '*' > ~you/debianSetup

then repartition accordingly (being careful to preserve /home
until you shuffle off what you need, onto another partition) with
your aim being to have each partition have similar percentages
empty. high traffic partitions might need more room (/var /tmp)
and be closer to the middle of your drive.

if you take several passes, you can keep your settings from
~you/.??* and ~you/etc/* by copying from an old partition to a
new one...

then reinstall your package collection:

	apt-get update
	dpkg --set-selections < ~you/debianSetup
	apt-get upgrade

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