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Re: GDM background image

Jeff Hornsberger <jhornsbe@csc.uvic.ca> writes:

> Hi, I'm looking for a way to set the background image for gdm. I know it
> is set in /etc/gdm/Init/Default using xsetroot, but I want to set it to
> an image not a color. As far as images goes xsetroot apparently can only
> handle bitmaps, my question is: How do I set the background of gdm to a
> jpg (or some other common image format)? Thanks. -Jeff

Use something other than xsetroot - xloadimage for example.

Moritz Schulte <moritz@chaosdorf.de> http://www.chaosdorf.de/moritz/
Debian/GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org/ http://www.gnu.org/
GPG fingerprint = 3A14 3923 15BE FD57 FC06  B501 0841 2D7B 6F98 4199

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