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Re: newbie install 2.20 problem configuring device modules

on Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 08:57:26PM -0500, Steve (a384zeid@cdf.toronto.edu) wrote:
> I am installing Linux for the first time on my P90 'old beater' machine. I
> am using a floppy install of Debian 2.20 (no CD Rom), and think I have
> imaged all the disks correctly.
> I have been plugging through the installation menu and all seems fine up
> to the "Install OS kernal and Modules". All my driver disks are accepted,
> but then when I choose to Configure the Device Driver modules, I am given
> an option to  load some modules from floppies or skip the step.. I skip
> the step and get:
>      No modules found in
>      /target/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21-idepci that could be      configured.
> Please install the modules first.

The only modules you _need_ to load during installation are those you
need to complete your install itself.  These would be disk drivers
(particularly CDROM), filesystems, networking, and, if applicable, SCSI
drivers.  Once you've got Debian installed, you can go through and
either build your own kernel (my preference) or add drivers as needed.

> So I am assuming I need to get some modules on disk first.. but where are
> these things? I am using a pretty old machine and find it hard to believe
> that none of my cards are in the driver list (I understood that modules
> and drivers are sort of the same thing.. yes?). Few things: 1) is there a
> viewable list of what drivers are included on my driver disks? 2) is there
> some additional disk I need to obtain from ftp site? 3) Is this step
> critical to the installation, or is it something I should skip over and
> finish the install, and then fix it up from inside the shell?

Yes, device drivers are a class of kernel modules (others might be, say,
filesystem support, loopback support, etc., which aren't necessarily
hardware oriented themselves.

I believe there is a set of installation floppies with an extended
module set.  If you can't load your system w/o modules (see below), you
may want to hunt for this.

What happens if you just blow past this section?  Is it just telling you
that there aren't any drivers to install...so it isn't installing any?

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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