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Re: mutt/fetchmail config

Tristan wrote:
> I have been using mutt and procmail for a few weeks now, but have
> noticed that once fetchmail gets my mail from my ISPs POP3, mutt show
> all the new messages (or maybe i am hallucinating), but once i run
> fetchmail some other time, and it fetches the new mail, i run mutt and
> it shows alot more new messages than fetchmail fetched. I use procmail,
> and filter several mailing lists into seperate folders. Is it because i 
> recieve to much mail at once ?( i do subscribed to several debian
> mailing lists ) and usually fetch 200-300 messages at once.

	If you are using exim as MTA, the default for number of messages
that will be accepted by exim (not fetchmail) for one connection is 100.
	All messages over 100 go into the exim queue. In my case i have a
cron job to run the exim queue every 30 mins, and retrieve these
	You can set a higher default for exim messages or run exim:
/sbin/exim -bp   #shows the number of queued messages
/sbin/exim -q    #retrieves the queued messages.
LINUX~~nobody owns it~~everybody can use it~~anybody can improve it

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