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Re: session managed VIM?

>>>>> "Chun" == Chun Kit Edwin Lau <lauedwin@sympatico.ca> writes:

    Chun> Hi everyone, I am just wondering if VIM support x11 session
    Chun> management stuff or under GNOME. Like, if I open I file and
    Chun> exit GNOME, will the previous session of VIm (previous file
    Chun> etc) show up again when I start GNOME? I notice that there
    Chun> are a lot of application like netscape. gedit support that
    Chun> partially (they don't show the previous webpage, or file)
    Chun> Wondering if VIm have that

Last I checked, vim is not Gnome aware. So my guess is that vim would
restart automatically, but may not automatically reopen the same files
(then again, I am not sure how this session management works either).

(yes a GTK version exists, but GTK != GNOME. Instead Gnome is a high
level library that uses GTK as the lower level API).
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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