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Re: adduser vs useradd

On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 09:02:30PM -0500, Christopher W. Aiken wrote:
> Why is it that "useradd" does NOT create a "home"
> directory and copy the /etc/skel files??
> I use the standard useradd -u... -g... -d... -s... -c... logname
> command on our Debian system and no home directory is created.

becauser useradd by itself sucks, which is why debian wrote the
wrapper script adduser.

> I use adduser and the home directory is created, but I have
> to manually edit the /etc/passwd file to adjust the UIG, GID,
> etc.

adduser --uid 10000 username
adduser --uid 10001 --ingroup users username

man adduser

Ethan Benson

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