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Re: staroffice 5.1 german version, where?

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 04:55:24AM -0800, debian_user@linuxfreemail.com wrote:

you're posting without a Realname and your lines are too long. Please
fix this.

> I need staroffice 5.1 german version, but I can't find it at Sun's pages anymore, and 5.2 is way to big for my harddrive. Does anyone know where I can find it?
Think I've a few older Versions on my SuSE CD's the only prob is that
they're in rpm Format.

Generaly I that there's no real diference in the speed or size between
SO 5.1 and 5.2 cause 5.2 was only something like a Bugfix realese


BTW: If you like to test the rpm write a PM and I'll upload it for you
after "Karneval".

Ich weiß nicht, wieso ihr euch so echauffiert. Die Warnung ist doch
wirklich deutlich zu lesen auf der Packung. Da steht in großen,
deutlichen Lettern: "Microsoft". NATÜRLICH funktioniert das nicht.
Mehr als warnen können sie euch nicht. [Fefe in de.alt.sysadmin.recovery]

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