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RE: M$ Outlook Virus


M$ probably wanted the world to be dominated by the omnipresence of M$, and
where all crackers/bad persons do not exist. Where the sun shines every day
while running on M$ Windows Evolved Server 3K, needless to say we're in
orbit around a perfect ly controlled sun by then. Where M$ engineers, write
you a letter made out of purest poetry and you fall in love with the
engineer in a distant way, awaiting the next program failure. In the mean
time they're fixing all your problems and you'll never now. The LOVE of the
company will get you thru. 

You oldest son, just wrote you a nice mail where you could click on some
words that launched a browser and showed you his favorite site's, pictures
or an example of what he was up to. He even included a little quiz.

Blah Blah Blah, there IS no reason for this other then the Lazyness
microsoft has displayed over the past years. Probably the object model
they're using does not allow splitting this up and if it does it would cause
to much work/risk.

M$ is milking the public and the public is being drugged by false opinions
in press and marketing campaigns that could rival Goebels in a time of war.
There is a lot to be said about the degradation in buisiness ethics M$ has
triggered over the last 10 years. They are actively marking there 'enemies'
(just making a living ?) and taking them out by means of dis-information,
sneaky marketing campaigns etc. There is not one civilian in this world who
CAN understand the issues/ethics of this conglomerate and i'm sure none ever
will. This is M$'s strong point, ignorance. 

Admit it, Linux isn't top-notch just yet, if the community learns from M$
strategy's and counters these with education instead of deprevation it will
prevail. Otherwise M$ will soon cook up a reason to BAN linux. As they
allready tried not that long ago. They don't EVER express what they really
want, they just let you draw yr own CONCLUSIONS and live with these mistake
happy ever after.


Joris L.

-----Original Message-----
From: William Leese [mailto:wleese@europe.nl.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 1:38 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: OT: M$ Outlook Virus

Just for anyone who still dual boots that evil OS ;)

"An Internet-based email worm that masquerades as a picture of tennis star 
Anna Kournikova"

"spreading twice as fast as the Love Bug". 

"The worm comes in an email with the subject line "Here you have, ;o)" and
attachment called AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs. "


can someone tell me why an email client needs visual basic scripting and 
java/script support when it is obviously a high security risk?


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