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magicfilter install problems


For at least a few weeks, I have been attempting to install an updated
magicfilter deb (using unstable).  When I do, it unpacks fine, but then
something strange happens.  It starts running lots and lots of instances
of "send-mail".  In fact, it just keeps starting new processes until I
am able to stop it.  A "ps" looks like this:

root      3323  send-mail -i root
root      3326  send-mail -i root
root      3329  send-mail -i root
root      3332  send-mail -i root
root      3335  send-mail -i root
root      3338  send-mail -i root
root      3341  send-mail -i root
root      3344  send-mail -i root
root      3347  send-mail -i root
root      3350  send-mail -i root
root      3353  send-mail -i root
root      3357  send-mail -i root
root      3360  send-mail -i root
root      3363  send-mail -i root
root      3366  send-mail -i root
root      3369  send-mail -i root

And that's just a few of them.  Can anyone tell me why this might be
happening, and what I might do to get magicfilter updated properly?  Is
it actually sending mail as root?



Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936
Web: http://www.albany.edu/~bs7452

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