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Re: Promise ATA 100


I assume you cannot access your /dev/hde and linux doesn't detect your
Promise ATA 100 interface either?

You can find much information on that topic in the newsgroup


Probably you want to add someting like 


to your kernel parameters. Look up these adresses in your bios or in

(!) Be careful, i have no experience with adding additional ide controllers
to my system. The information above is from that newsgroup. 
You should better search there a bit more intensive than I did.

Bye, Martin

Ernst Martin Witte
email: witte@kawo1.rwth-aachen.de
www:   http://www.kawo1.rwth-aachen.de/~witte

(g4 c g f g8 as) g2. '(g4 es c)(d c8 h)c2(b4 as8 g)as2(g4 f8 e)f1.
(Anton Bruckner)

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