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mozilla, ssl, java, and other fun stuff

I like debian. But there's is a big lack today in potato : no free www
browser (I mean open-source and not buggy : ie not netscape) with java and
ssl support.
But it's a pity because mozilla is out with all required stuff. But we are
still (in potato) with the M18-3 release. Today the 0.7 is out. This
release contains for the first time ssl support. Java is also available via
blackdown (should this java considered as free ?).

So I've add the j2re1.3 deb package and downloaded the mozilla binaries
tarball. Normally to enable java in this mozilla release you only need to
add a link between  /usr/lib/j2re1.3/plugin/i386/javaplugin.so and (path to
mozilla)/plugin/javaplugin.so. But then when I start mozilla I obtain:

INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not load
/usr/lib/j2re1.3/plugin/i386/libjavaplugin_oji.so: linking
error=/usr/lib/j2re1.3/plugin/i386/libjavaplugin_oji.so: undefined symbol:

I use a daily snapshot of mozilla so I've tested that with the official 0.7
release and I got the same result so I think it could be a dependancy
problem. Should I install others packages (dev packages ?).


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