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Re: MS internet keyboard

Lo, on Sunday, February 4, Romain Lerallut did write:

> Good evening everyone,
> I'd like to use the wart-like "special keys" that came with my (ahem) MS
> "internet keyboard", with X and if possible, with the console.


I'm not sure how to do it on the console, but under X, this is pretty

* Fire up xev from within a terminal, give its window the input focus, push
  these little buttons, and watch the scancodes go buy.  (You may already
  have these.)

* Create an xmodmap file binding these scancodes to keysyms.  Run 
  `xmodmap -pke' for the current mapping, so you can see the syntax.  See
  also xmodmap(1) for more details.  Stick

    xmodmap .xmodmaprc

  in your .xsession/.xinitrc.

* Go into your window manager configuration system and bind these new
  keysyms to commands to do whatever you want.

For instance, I've bound my right windows key to raise or lower the current
window.  In .xmodmaprc, I've got

        keycode 0x74 =  F15

and in my .fvwm2rc, I've got

        Key F15     WTSFI0123456789  N       RaiseLower

(the `WTSF....' crud makes the keybinding active everywhere except the root
window, and the `N' indicates no modifiers (alt, shift, etc.).  RaiseLower
is an fvwm function which raises or lowers the current window.)

If I wanted this to start xmms, I could do

        Key F15     WTSFI0123456789  N       Exec exec xmms



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