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I put a box together for a friend to enjoy and tinker with. I gave him
some brief instructions, a book, and some typed notes. I later learned
that he had been awake for at least 30 hours and probably didn't hear
much of the basic instructions like how to shutdown his box.

A call yesterday regarding fsck prompted my question of how did he shutdown!

I told him to do 'shutdown -h now' and he gets 'command not found' or 
something....  So a quick look in /sbin/ shows that indeed, the program is
not there!  

I think he lost some data doing a power off as he was doing.

Is there a way that debian can check ALL it's packages and reinstall anything
that may have been toasted in this fashion without actually doing a complete



Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls     e-mail: ke6sls@arrl.net

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