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Re: Gathering mail from multiple POP servers

Samuel Hathaway wrote:
> Will,
> Thanks so much for the detailed information. I will set this up when I get a
> chance. (hah)
> > there's an awful lot you can do with all these -- it's kinda
> > like killing a mosquito with a nuclear bomb...
> It certainly looks that way!
> Actually, I have another question about exim. I have it set up properly, but
> I am hosting a couple domains for friends (they all point to the same IP),
> and I was wondering if there was a way to set up exim rules to forward, for
> example, <any_user>@michaeltron.com to michaeltron@localhost and
> <any_user>@mink.munkynet.org to mink@localhost. Any ideas?

you betcha.

here's what i use -- /etc/exim.conf:

# standard fallback domains PLUS a lookup from
# the list in /etc/exim/DOMAINS --
local_domains = localhost:*serensoft.com:partial-lsearch;/etc/exim/DOMAINS

# then, way down in the directors section:

# check aliases for virtual hosts --
#       virtual hostname-->alias file mapping is in /etc/exim/DOMAINS
#       <alias>@<hostname>-->is in /etc/exim/<virtual> from DOMAINS
#       and global default aliases '*: someone' is possible in each
#       virtual host alias file, because we use 'search_type=lsearch*'

        driver = aliasfile
        domains = "partial-lsearch;/etc/exim/DOMAINS"
        file_transport = address_file
        pipe_transport = address_pipe
        file = /etc/exim/${domain_data}
        search_type = "lsearch*"


here's /etc/exim/DOMAINS:
# domain.name           aliasfile (in /etc/exim/)

*.serensoft.com:        serensoft

*.dontuthink.com:       dontuthink

*.bestop.agfin.com:     bestop

*.bucks2browse.com:     bucks2browse
*.buckstobrowse.com:    bucks2browse

*.on-the-fridge.com:    fridge

*.24x7sports4u.com:     24x7_4u
*.24x7baseball4u.com:   24x7_4u
*.24x7basketball4u.com: 24x7_4u
*.24x7fitness4u.com:    24x7_4u
*.24x7football4u.com:   24x7_4u
*.24x7golf4u.com:       24x7_4u
*.24x7hockey4u.com:     24x7_4u
*.24x7olympics4u.com:   24x7_4u
*.24x7soccer4u.com:     24x7_4u
*.24x7softball4u.com:   24x7_4u
*.24x7tennis4u.com:     24x7_4u


and for an example, here's /etc/exim/serensoft:

laurie:         rdt

bestop:         will
puz:            will
easyDXFtype:    will
3d:             will
frontier:       will

kat*:           kat

*:              kgb

so with this setup, user "kat" will get email
directed to any of these:

user "will@serensoft.com" gets any of these:

and everything that's not routed to another user,
falls through to "*" at the bottom, so
would receive everything else by default.

(that is, so long as DNS is properly set up to
direct mail.serensoft.com or www.serensoft.com
& so forth, to my IP number.)


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