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Re: FVWM menus and colors

Xucaen wrote:
> Hi all..
> does anyone else use fvwm? I was just playing

  you bet!

> with some configs and while reading the docs
> about adding to the menu, it says:
> "The menu auto-generation stuff puts the
> generated menus in this system-wide file.  As any
> edits the system administrator makes to this file
> will be lost the next time "update-menus" is run,
> it should not be edited.  Also, as users can run
> update-menus  themselves, creating their own
> ~/.fvwm/menudefs.hook, this should also not be
> edited by hand."
> what is auto-generation? where is the program
> called update-menus(is it a program??), how do I

  yes, that's it, to find a program:

  which program
  locate program
  find / -name program -print

> add items to the menu so they won't get deleted?
> and what is the menu package? (I don't like to
> install packages if I know nothing about them.
> I'm still learning the system and I don't want it
> suddenly changed half way thru my learning
> curve.)

  to be totally independent of debian fvwm config just create a file
.fvwmrc (or .fvwm2rc) and put all your config stuff in there (or create
a ~/.fvwmrc.d directory with multiple files and just include them from

  to use the debian config just follow the comments, you can change
either the system files in /etc/X11/fvwm or create file in ~/.fvwm (you
might need to create thsi direcotry).

  note the main-menu-pre.hook file, that's where you can add your menu
entries (these come before any other menu entries) and main-menu.hook
(these are part of main menu, before last Exit item)

  I don't find debian fvwm default settings very good (i.e. not exactly
waht I want, which is true for basically any defualt settings:-), the
most important feature is the automatically generated menu so you have
easy access to all your installed software (or lot of, not everything is
in menu).

  if you want to change menu for all the window managers, you'd better
take a look at the menu system, you basically need to create new menu
entries (there's some docs on it and plenty of examples in
/usr/lib/menu/*), you need to add your new entries to /etc/menu (which
is not for fvwm only, that's general menu used by all (almost) WMs in
debian, perhpas other programs as well).


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