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Re: "-ldb" should point to ?

Bob Bernstein <poobah@ruptured-duck.com> writes:
BB> I have just revamped a system by installing potato and then
BB> apt-get'ing to woody. I have some source code that wants to give
BB> gcc a '-ldb' but I have no 'libdb.so' on this system.
BB> Am I right to believe that lib[whutever].so symlinks should be
BB> created by ldconfig when it is run from a postinst script?

No.  The lib(foo).so symlinks in Debian are generally installed by
libfoo-dev packages.  So you need to find the correct variation on
libdb2-dev and install it to get a libdb.so.

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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