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PPPD dying unexpectadly

I'm trying to connect to the internet on my potato(2.2r0) box.
I use an onboard PCTEL modem and it's driver (yes it's a winmodem, but it has a driver and it worked on RedHat)
I've used WvDial to manage the connection, but have used various others ie, Gnomes one, manual connect script, KPPP(on mandrake)
When i run WvDial, it connects to my ISP fine, until it has to launch PPPD, The ppp daemon either "dies unexpectedly", or I get a kernel panic. (I have put in the "new PPPD" line in my /etc/wvdial.conf file)
I've tried it with a number of kernels (The one it came with(2.2.17), 2.2.17, 2.2.16, 2.2.18, 2.4-test11 
I've also tried various versions of pppd (the one it came with, the one from woody, a pre-2.3 one) with the same results
I've also tried a number of PCTEL modem drivers
I used to run RedHat and had no such problems, however I did have the same problem with mandrake.
If any one could help me i'd be most appreciative, if i can't get this to work i'll have to go back to RedHat :-(
Cheers, Warfride

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