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ssh to solaris: how do i get fully functional terminal?

hi,  (this has to be a faq, but i cannot find it)

export TERM=dtterm gives me an almost functioning terminal. just have
to fix up sun's annoying delete, home/end & pgup/dn key problems.

if i was in X i would: (from xterm FAQ)

         XTerm.VT100.Translations:       #override \
                 ~Shift<Key>Home:  string(\033[1~)\n\
                 ~Shift<Key>End:   string(\033[4~)\n\

Is there an equivalent for the normal console?

Is it true that "UNIX terminal line protocol does not have a 'delete 
next char' function" so I am doomed to be without a delete key?
(delete works ok in vim though)


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