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Re: How stable is "testing"?

Rogerio Brito wrote:
>         Dear community,
>         I've noticed that there are some programs in testing that I'd
>         like to use (and at least one that I have to use), but I'm
>         very scared of it not working correctly or breaking badly
>         when, say, I'd need to get something done fast.
>         So, I'd like to ask you: how stable is "testing" compared to
>         potato?
>         Thank you very much for your comments, Roger...

I love the new testing distribution.  I've been running Woody for about
a year, and the fact that there's a testing distribution made that a
much easier choice for me.  All pieces that enter testing must first
prove that they have no hideous bugs in unstable, then are committed.  I
like it.

-=|JP|=-                "Why, oh, why didn't I take the blue pill?"
Jon Pennington        | Atipa Linux Solutions   -o)
jpennington@atipa.com | http://www.atipa.com    /\\
Kansas City, MO, USA  | 816-595-3000 x1550     _\_V

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