Re: mkisofs
>> The ISO image read of the CD is probably a sector or two
>> too long. If you know the correct size then you can just do
I would think that the image created with dd is a few bytes (less than
a sector) too small, because dd reads until it runs out of useful data,
but the cd consists of 2k-sectors, the last one is padded with zeroes
until it´s full. At least that´s what the "-pad"-option in cdrecord is
So I´d try `dd if=dev/scd0 of=bla.iso ibs=2048 obs=2048 sync`,
out of `man dd`:
sync pad every input block with NULs to ibs-size
Or is there an error in my knowledge?
/ Ing. Robert Waldner | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933 F: x533 \
\ <> | KPNQwest/AT | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 /
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