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OpenSSL 0.9.6 "make test" on potato

I am currently using OpenSSL-0.9.5a on two of my potato systems.  I
wanted to upgrade this to 0.9.6.  I am using libsafe on these systems as
well.  All of this is on the Intel arch.

It compiled fine.  But then when I run: "make test" I get overflows
and libsafe-1.3 kills the process.

./certs/ICE-root.pem: /O=European ICE-TEL project/OU=V3-Certification
Authorityerror 10 at 0 depth lookup:Certificate has expired
Detected an attempt to write across stack boundary.
Terminating /home/jamesb/src/openssl-0.9.6/apps/openssl.

And from libsafe I get this in syslog:

Oct 31 00:52:41 libsafe.so[16322]: version 1.3
Oct 31 00:52:41 libsafe.so[16322]: detected an attempt to write
across stack boundary.
Oct 31 00:52:41 libsafe.so[16322]: terminating
Oct 31 00:52:41 libsafe.so[16322]: overflow caused by memcpy()

If I disable libsafe, of course "make test" executes cleanly; however,
ignoring an overflow doesn't seem to me to be the right thing to do.

The strange part is that if I do the same thing on a Red Hat 6.2
machine, I do not get this problem.  (I had originally posted this to
the OpenSSL list but one guy said it didn't happen on his RH box, which
prompted me to try it.)  The overflow only occurs on my 2 Debian systems.

Anyone have a clue as to why this overflow would occur only in Debian
and not in RH?

Can anyone else run "make test" on a Debian system (with libsafe)
without getting overflows?

Please copy me on any responses, I am not currently subscribed.  Thanks.

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