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Re: How I got ALSA sound drivers kind of working

oops sorry for my bad quoting on previous post.

On Sat, 23 Dec 2000 18:56:36 +0000 (UTC), Pollywog said:

>  I used Timmy's ALSA tutorial but I did not follow this particular
>  advice and I still had no problems with my SB VibraX.
>  When I ran alsaconf, I set up the card as a SB16.

Here is what I do have installed for esound and libesd:

lilypad:~->dpkg -l | grep esound
ii  esound	   0.2.20-2	  Enlightened Sound Daemon - Support
ii  esound-common  0.2.20-2	  Enlightened Sound Daemon - Common
lilypad:~->dpkg -l | grep libesd
ii  libesd0	   0.2.20-2	  Enlightened Sound Daemon - Shared
ii  libesd0-dev    0.2.20-2	  Enlightened Sound Daemon -
Development files


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