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Re: how to fake from address in an email

On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 03:08:18PM -0700, debuser@platinum.globalmart.com wrote:
> We need to send out an email response from a CGI when someone places an
> order, but we want to set the from address to something other than the
> user/machine where the CGI is running. How to do this with the various
> email packages? Currently using exim, but may switch to postfix or
> sendmail.

using perl? try something such as this pseudo pseudocode:

    use Net::SMTP;
	my $SMTP_SERVER = 'mail.my.server.net.org.not';

    my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new( $SMTP_SERVER );

	# here's your "FROM:" email address, whatever you want it to be

    # goes to all these, with or without "To:" header

    $smtp->datasend( <<"E-PISTLE" );
	Reply-To: $FROM_ADDR
	Subject: $SUBJ
	Content-Type: text/plain

	Here's your stinkin' email.


of course, tmtowtdi.

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