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Re: potato mount and 2.2.18

On Sun, Dec 17, 2000 at 12:12:21PM +0100, Igor Mozetic wrote:
> Woody mount (2.10q-1) unfortunately requires major libc upgrade:
> Pre-Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1.97)

For woody packages I want to install on my potato system, I usually put the
deb-src lines for woody in my /etc/apt/sources.list.  Then (in this case,
for mount), cd to wherever you do source compiling (I like /usr/local/src),
and (if you use sudo like me, you can do this; if not, become root first)
"sudo apt-get -b source mount".  Then just run "dpkg -i" on the resulting
.deb that's produced.  If there are still dependencies on a newer libc
version, you may have to twiddle the <sourcedir>/debian/control file.
Then, from <sourcedir>, make sure you have dpkg-dev installed and run
"dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo" (substitute fakeroot for sudo if you prefer it,
or become root first and just run "dpkg-buildpackage").

Bill Jonas                | "If you haven't gotten where you're going,
bill@billjonas.com        |  you aren't there yet." --George Carlin
http://www.billjonas.com/ |  http://www.harrybrowne.org/

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