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Re: HT configure an IDE/ATAPI ZIP drive?

>>>>> "Damon" == Damon Muller <dm-debian-user@empire.net.au> writes:

    Damon> Sorry, I only came into this thread half-way through, so
    Damon> forgive me if this is redundant. I assume that you are
    Damon> trying to eject an IDE zip drive.

That's right. It's an internal IDE/ATAPI drive. 100 mb. I can
mount/read/write/umount it. No eject, either by hardware or software.

    Damon> One thing I have found with my parallel zip dive is that I
    Damon> can only eject it (using eject /zip) as root. Have you
    Damon> tried that?

In fact, all my attempts lately have been as root.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway!


Dan Griswold

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