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Re: sndconfig [was Re: Debian is not for me]

On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 09:36:20AM +1100, John Griffiths wrote:
> At 08:27 PM 12/13/2000 -0200, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
> >	Try an apt-get source from woody.
> >	Pehaps can work.
> download the .deb's seperately from debian.org and use dpkg
> eg:
> #dpkg -i sndconfig.deb
> it might have some dependencies but it'll tell you so keep getting them till it works (took me about 20 mins on a slow modem)

no you should always download the woody sources and build them on
potato, woody now has glibc 2.2 which is backword compatible with
binaries compiled against glibc 2.1, but the reverse is not
necessarily so.  that is a binary compiled against glibc 2.2 may NOT
work on a glibc 2.1 system.  

woody is no longer compatible with potato.  you might get away with
using woody binaries on potato but not always, its safer to just
compile the woody sources.  

Ethan Benson

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