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Re: Setting up a postscript printer

>>>>> "BN" == Bob Nielsen <nielsen@oz.net> writes:
    BN>  I also have an Optra E312 and it correctly handles output from
    BN> Netscape (which has a header of "%!PS-Adobe-3.0" -- does this
    BN> imply PS 3.0?) I am using lprng with magicfilter (ps600-filter
    BN> patched as per my earlier message to allow printing of PCL and
    BN> PJL).  The filter is useful for many other formats as well.
    BN> The magicfilter man page indicates that it adds carriage returns
    BN> before each line-feed and form-feed, as well as a form-feed and
    BN> an ASCII EOT character (Ctrl-D) at the end.
    BN> 'cat filename.ps > /dev/lp0' also works fine here.


Can you send me the patched ps600-filter for magicfilter in its entirety
? I don't know how to apply the patch you sent earlier (plus its inlined
in the message body, and not as an attachment) ?

I'll try lprng+magicfilter again with your patched ps600-filter.

Can you send me your patched ps600-filter as an attachment (as is or
gzipped is fine) ?

BTW, doesn't this mean that there is a bug in magicfilter or at least in
one of the filters it uses ? Have you filed a bug report ?


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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