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Voodoo3 3000 --- I just finished . . .

. . . setting my boxen up to support this card for playing Quake II.

There are a number of things to know:

1) Make sure that your users are members of the audio and video groups.
2) Aquire the appropriate packages off of http://linux.3dfx.com,
   (Mesa, glide and 3dfx driver source code).
3) Convert packages aquired in 2 to debian packages, using alien.
4) Install packages.  One package, the 3dfx driver module, needs
   to be compiled up from source, which requires that you have a
   development environment installed.
4) Modify your X server parameters to use 16 bpp, and have a 640x480
5) If you are trying to run a set uid program, you may need to
   use xhost to allow that program access to your X server, ala:
   xhost +myMachine
6) For full speed rendering, set your enviroment to contain the

   export MESA_GLX_FX=fullscreen

After getting all this set up, make sure you test the glide stuff
separately, before trying to run any GL programs, such as Quake II.

If you need more specific instructions, let me know.  As I said, I
was working on this to let my boys play Quake II, but most of this
setup should be generic.  What program are you trying to run?

John S.

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