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X 4 accel broken afer last upgrade?


  Is anyone using woody's X 4.0.1 with a SiS 6326 card?

  It sems that something got wrong after today's upgrade. I can only
  get X working properly if I use the "NoAccel"  option in XF86Config.

  If I don't, X starts, but won't draw fonts or graphics. I can only see
  that the wondows "are there", and I can type (although I don't see 
  what I'm typing), but there are no graphics at all. Just a sort of
  "shadow" of the windows. I tried the BTS but saw no bugs filed that
  had anything to do with this.

  Did this happen to others, or is it just me?

  (I also tried purging and installing all X packages, and the same 


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil
mailto:jeronimo@ic.unicamp.br    mailto:pellegrini@iname.com

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