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Compiling stuff

I've just put my brave hat on and compiled my kernel for the first
time. Thanks to Robert Guthrie and his tip to use kernel-package,
and KMDWAF, everything just worked first try!

I do have a couple of questions, though.

1) There were many warnings during the compile, although no errors
that I noticed (bit difficult to be sure, as they flash by so
quickly). Is this normal, or should I be analysing this (this is
2.2.17 from the source on the 2.2r0 CD BTW).

2) I've noticed that my machine boots faster, and some things run
quite a lot faster than before. This I would kind of expect, as I
selected the Pentium II option in xconfig. This got me thinking,
maybe there are other packages that would benifit from being
recompiled. Advice in this area would be most welcome.

3) Everything seems to work OK, but there could still conceivably
be some nasty problems lurking around waiting to be discovered.
Any tips as how I would look for these (or am I just being too

This last is interesting especially, as if all is well I plan to
go for the 2.2.18 patch to try and talk to my Rio 500 via USB as
a next stage, and I want to be sure I'm on the right track before
I start.

  // \\
 /(   )\
< hugge >

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